
Elevate Your Outdoor Weddings with Modulite™ by Rosseto

Elevate Your Outdoor Weddings with Modulite™ by Rosseto

The days are longer, and the sun is out in full force—you know what that means. It’s outdoor wedding season! As couples’ wedding plans shift outside, catering and event professionals must take extra care to ensure the safety and comfort of clients and guests. But it’s more than just finding the shadiest spot in a venue (although that’s important!).

Outdoor weddings require awareness and consideration of the elements to guarantee a smooth event. Here are a few ways to prepare yourself, your team, and your clients to navigate events in the summer months ahead, with a focus on incorporating versatile and stylish solutions for linenless tables like Modulite by Rosseto.

How to Support and Prepare Your Clients

Most couples start the wedding planning process without any experience planning a large-scale event. So, when you factor in the added complexities of an outdoor wedding, it’s common for couples to bring unrealistic expectations to the table.

As industry experts, it’s up to catering and event professionals to educate clients on what’s feasible given their wedding season, budget, venue, and other planning factors. For instance, an engaged couple might envision a ceremony on their venue’s lawn without considering how the heat and glare of the midday sun will affect their guests.

One way to manage such expectations is by using Rosseto’s Modulite. This modular display system allows you to create flexible setups that can adapt to any environment, whether you need to quickly move the buffet under a tent or set up hydration stations around the venue.

Navigating the Elements with Modulite

Heat, rain, and bugs—oh my! While warmer months draw us outside, there are some obstacles to plan around in advance. For example, a sunny day is ideal for an outdoor wedding, but such lovely weather can also present heat-related challenges.
From minor concerns like sweating through a tuxedo to significant risks like heatstroke, catering and event professionals must always be mindful of the temperature. Fans, water, and enough ice to get through service is not a recommendation, it’s a must in outdoor events. Shade is critical for guests’ safety and comfort, so find a shady space to use at the venue or set up a tent if natural shade is unavailable. 

Rosseto Modulite display

Looking for inspiration for your beverage station – click here for fresh ideas 

Hydration is another crucial factor, and the caterer must have plenty of water on hand, even during the ceremony, so guests aren’t dehydrating themselves while waiting for the festivities to begin. This is where Modulite can shine. Our beverage dispensers can be placed on Modulite tables strategically around the venue, ensuring guests can easily access cold, refreshing drinks.

Caterers must also consider what’s on the menu, as extreme heat can melt, spoil, or otherwise affect the quality of food served. For example, avoiding a sushi station or raw bar at an outdoor wedding in the thick of July is often best.

Modulite’s customizable table system allows you to configure your service display in an endless number of configurations. Coupled with Rosseto contemporary cooler offerings, you can create quite a visual impact for your guests. Additionally, catering pros should familiarize themselves with the venue to identify the best place to safely prepare, serve, and display food. If an indoor kitchen is unavailable, use tents, coolers, ice troughs, and pre-frozen stoneware to keep food chilled.

Modulite buffet furniture Linenless Tables

Caring for Yourself and Your Team

The show can’t go on without a team of professionals running the event, so it’s just as vital to look after your team’s well-being throughout the celebration. The same rules apply to the vendor team: shade, hydration, and bug spray are essential!
Working in the sun can take its toll on a team if the setup is outside; tents for vendors who have to work in place (catering, DJs) can be helpful. Make sure to have them wear appropriate cover-ups and sunscreen where necessary and bring lots of water.

In addition to shade and hydration, staff clothes should be light and outdoor-friendly attire. You should choose clothes or uniforms that keep your staff dry, feel light, and are comfortable. While summer heat is one issue to tackle, summer showers are equally important to prepare for. The benefits of Modulite are that the surfaces are made from top-tier quality materials, and as such, they don’t rust, bend, or transform when in touch with water. Rosseto’s Modulite table systems are not patio garden furniture and should be stored when not used. These durable tables can withstand rain and sun damage for long periods without affecting the design or product.


Few things are more enchanting than an outdoor wedding on a beautiful day. With 62% of couples hosting open-air ceremonies in 2023, it’s safe to say that couples and their guests agree. However, executing a successful celebration outside means educating clients and addressing the risks associated with nature. 

By incorporating versatile solutions like Modulite by Rosseto, you can elevate the experience while ensuring that all guests remain safe, comfortable, and well-hydrated. Keep these tips handy as we transition from spring to summer, ushering in the start of outdoor wedding season!

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